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Wild Cherry Wooden Ring £105.00

From a windfall Wild Cherry tree comes this beautiful wooden ring. The careful selection of wood, orientation of grain and almost seamless construction ensures the strongest of wooden rings.
The hardwearing waterproof and heatproof finish allows the natural beauty of this light to golden brown wood to shine through.
At 6mm wide by just over 2mm in depth and presented in a stylish leatherette ring box these handcrafted wooden rings are made order.

Inscriptions are charged at 50p per character.
Wild Cherry Wooden Ring
Wild Cherry Wooden Ring
Wildcherry ring
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We both love the coast and beachcombing so something made of driftwood as well as being practical was ideal


Thank you very much for all your help. The rings arrived just a few days ago and my wife and I love and already treasure them. The rings are exquisite and even more beautiful than advertised. Each ring is an individual work of art, and paired together are amazing. The heart shaped ring box is perfect as well, and is a wonderful companion to the rings.

Jason Anderson



Current dispatch estimates - 2 weeks

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